Thinking of seed treating or applying a nutrient seed dressing this spring? If so, Sturgeon Valley Fertilizers has a broad range of products to offer plus an on-farm custom treating service called HeadStart. Talk with one of our agronomists to find out more. Our new Storm Pro treater provides

Our new Storm Pro treater provides accurate and speedy application as your cereals, pulses and soybeans move from the bin to the truck. Treatment rates can reach speeds of 45 bu/minute which will help you get into the field faster. With the current cold and wet conditions we are experiencing this spring seed treatments and nutrient dressings will be very important in helping those crops get out of the ground and fight off disease. Below is a list of products offered by SVF that can be purchased for farm application or custom applied using the SVF HeadStart program:
Cereal Seed Treatment Products:
Cruiser Vibrance Quattro
Vibrance Quattro
Raxil Pro
Raxil Pro Shield
Insure Cereal
Nipsit Suite
Pulse Seed Treatment Products:
Vibrance Maxx RFC
Cruiser Vibrance Maxx RFC
Insure Pulse
Trilex Evergol
Trilex Evergol Shield
Nutrient Seed Dressings:
ATP Precede (Cereal and Pulse)